CBD for Pets with Dr. Hillary Hart

CBD for Pets with Dr. Hillary Hart

When it comes to buying CBD oil, it is best to buy it from a reputable retailer. This means choosing an organic or local source. It is also a good idea to buy a product that is third party tested to ensure its purity. Avoid brands that are unwilling to disclose this information. The most reputable stores will want to educate their customers and provide them with information that will help them make informed decisions. This is especially true in the absence of state-mandated testing.

CBD for Pets with Dr. Hillary Hart

There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding CBD oil. Some studies have suggested that it may have subtle effects on the body, including sedation and reduced cognition. Although the evidence is promising, controlled clinical trials are still needed to determine its effectiveness in treating seizures. Consumers should be careful not to take any CBD products with drugs that may interact with CBD.

Consumers can take CBD oil in many forms, including pills and tinctures. They can also mix it into drinks and food. Alternatively, it can be taken sublingually in the form of a suppository. Other ways to get CBD into the body are through topical products such as CBD lotions. Using CBD lotions can be beneficial for a variety of conditions, including skin disorders and aches and pains.

CBD for Pets with Dr. Hillary Hart

Another area in which CBD can benefit people is in treating addiction. It can reduce the activation of the amygdala, the area of the brain involved in addiction. Exposure to cues triggers cravings. By reducing cue-inducing cravings, CBD can help people stop using heroin or other drugs. However, further studies are needed to confirm these effects.

CBD for Pets with Dr. Hillary Hart



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