CBD for an Active Lifestyle with Dr. Frank Michalski.
CBD oil can be used for a variety of different symptoms. For pain, the oil may help to reduce intense, sharp pain as well as itchy and cold sensations. This oil may be useful for reducing period pain as it can help with cramps and relieve period pain. It can be taken orally in the form of CBD tinctures. These products can also be added to beverages such as tea and juice.
CBD oil may also help treat addiction. It works by reducing the activation of the amygdala, a brain region involved in addiction. The activation of this brain region causes drug cravings, which can make it harder for people to stop using heroin, cocaine, and other substances. A study in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that CBD reduced cue-induced cravings and decreased anxiety. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.
CBD for an Active Lifestyle with Dr. Frank Michalski.
While there are legitimate companies producing CBD oil, it is important to research the brand you’re interested in. Some products may be low-quality and have substandard ingredients. Look for a manufacturer that has a certificate of analysis and is reputable. Also, look for a product made by a third-party lab. You can review the certificate of analysis online.
CBD for an Active Lifestyle with Dr. Frank Michalski.
Besides relieving insomnia, CBD oil is also effective for relieving anxiety. People who use CBD oil before bed report feeling calm and restful during the night. However, some people find that they are unable to sleep after using it during the day.