CBD for Sleep with Dr. Frank Michalski
CBD oil can help people who suffer from addiction. Studies have shown that it can reduce the activation of the brain area known as the amygdala, which is responsible for drug cravings. Drug cravings are often triggered by specific stimuli, known as cues. By blocking these signals, CBD may help people with drug addictions to abstain from heroin and other addictive substances. In a recent study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, CBD was found to reduce cue-induced anxiety and craving. However, further research is required to confirm this finding.
It’s important to choose a reputable CBD oil product. You can check online for the certificate of analysis of the product to ensure its authenticity. Some companies will sell CBD products at a very low price, but you must still be careful to avoid bogus companies that are not reliable. Fortunately, you can find some reliable brands on Leafly.
CBD for Sleep with Dr. Frank Michalski
CBD oil comes in various forms, including capsules and tinctures. Some of them are absorbed through the skin and are ideal for topical use. Tinctures can be used for oral and sublingual administration. They are made from a concentrated CBD extract and a carrier oil. Because CBD is fat-soluble, it can be stored in fat tissue, and a tincture makes it easier to take. Tinctures can be mixed with juice or tea to make an even more convenient way to use CBD.
CBD for Sleep with Dr. Frank Michalski
CBD oil can affect people differently, so it’s important to experiment with dosage and consistency. Initially, try using a low-concentration CBD oil and gradually increasing the dosage. For optimal results, try taking a daily dosage of no more than 70 mg, and if necessary, add extra drops during the day as needed. Ultimately, your body and brain chemistry will determine the ideal dose for you.