CBD for Parkinson’s with Dr. Frank Michalski

CBD for Parkinson’s with Dr. Frank Michalski

While the benefits of CBD oil are many, the taste of CBD products can vary widely. This is because the taste of CBD oil depends on the type of processing and extract used to produce the oil. Some CBD oils are smoother and more palatable while others are more pungent. Regardless of the taste, it is important to choose a quality product.

Although the effects of CBD oil differ from person to person, it is recommended to start small and gradually increase the dosage until you achieve the desired results. You can even try taking 20% CBD oil for a while. Remember, each individual’s body chemistry and weight will affect the effects of CBD oil. It may also benefit you if you eat a balanced diet.

CBD for Parkinson’s with Dr. Frank Michalski

As with any type of product, the effects of CBD oil may vary depending on the form in which it is taken. Topical CBD lotions may offer some benefits but are not a substitute for medical care. If you are taking any medication or are pregnant, you should consult your physician before using CBD oil for your condition.

CBD for Parkinson’s with Dr. Frank Michalski

There is also evidence that CBD oil may help people overcome addiction. The chemical compound reduces activation of the amygdala, a brain region involved in addiction. Drug cravings occur as a result of exposure to certain cues. By reducing the levels of these cues, CBD may help people avoid heroin and other drugs. However, more research is needed before the effects of CBD can be confirmed in humans.

CBD for Parkinson's with Dr. Frank Michalski


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