4 Reasons to Replace Alcohol with CBD / ALCOHOL vs CBD OIL / CBD health benefits

ALCOHOL vs CBD OIL / CBD health benefits

CBD oil is an extract derived from hemp or marijuana. Because marijuana is illegal in most states, CBD oil is obtained from hemp instead. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and is used to treat a wide variety of conditions. It can be used topically to relieve pain and anxiety. Although it is not yet federally regulated, it is already becoming a popular alternative medicine.

ALCOHOL vs CBD OIL / CBD health benefits

In studies of patients with social anxiety, CBD oil significantly reduced anxiety levels. It also reduced cognitive impairment in patients with generalized social anxiety. It is also helpful for veterans suffering from PTSD and anxiety. The Department of Veterans Affairs is funding a study to investigate the use of CBD alongside psychotherapy for veterans. While it is early to draw conclusions, the results are promising.

There is also evidence that CBD oil may help with high blood pressure. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, CBD may help lower blood pressure. In addition to reducing systolic blood pressure, CBD oil reduced stroke volume. It also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which could help prevent heart problems.

ALCOHOL vs CBD OIL / CBD health benefits

ALCOHOL vs CBD OIL / CBD health benefits

In animals, CBD oil has shown a positive effect on inflammation. More research is needed to confirm whether CBD oil can prevent and treat inflammation in humans. In addition, the FDA has not yet regulated the production of CBD-based products. This makes it difficult to know whether or not CBD interacts with other medications. However, as more people become aware of the benefits of CBD oil, more clinical trials are underway.

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